After experiencing a life-altering event, Liam Plowman transitioned from being a joyless salaryman in media tech to a joyful entrepreneur, running his own wine shop.

Liam's story not only offers intriguing insights from a career perspective but also highlights the profound fulfilment that comes from following your passion.

One Precious Life podcast talks to people doing inspiring work. Episode two features the fantastic Liam Plowman. After experiencing a life-altering event that prompted a total re-evaluation of his career, Liam Plowman transitioned from being a joyless salaryman to a joyful entrepreneur, running his own local wine shop Wild & Lees. Liam's story not only offers intriguing insights from a career perspective but also highlights the profound fulfilment that comes from following your passion.

Despite some pretty intense setbacks, from burglary to floods and exploding wine bottles, Liam’s insights about how he can deal with stress so much better really resonate, because as Liam explains, he really “understands what he’s doing and why he’s doing it”.  

We all have just one precious life and most of us spend a significant amount of it working. The question is: are you living your best working life? One Precious Life interviews fabulously regular people doing inspiring work, in or alongside their day jobs.

For more information on Liam Plowman and Wild & Lees:

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